Education as Resistance - Jordan Valley Solidarity

10 March 2012
On 4th March 2012 Itaf Njoum Karma, a Palestinian teacher and the Jordan Valley Solidarity co-ordinator for the Bedouin community of Ras Al Auja, gave a moving presentation in Brighton on life and resistance in the occupied Jordan Valley where Israel has outlawed the construction of schools for Palestinian children whilst stealing their water resources. Full video of her presentation in included below.
Itaf Njoum Karma, a Palestinian teacher and the Jordan Valley Solidarity co-ordinator
for the Bedouin community of Ras Al Auja
Jordan Valley Solidarity is a network of Palestinian grassroots community groups from all over the Jordan Valley and international supporters. Their aim is simple - to protect Palestinian existence in the Jordan Valley. They do this by supporting communities on the ground by helping them build houses and schools in an area the Israels occupation has denied Palestinians the right to build. They also monitor, record and try to prevent abuse of Palestinian human rights by the Israeli occupation and settlers.
The presentation was part of a teach-in on Palestine organised by the Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign.