Fayyad: Jerusalem suburbs will one day be part of Palestinian capital

Palestinian PM skips inauguration of school in East Jerusalem after Israel issues warrant banning PA events in Jerusalem municipality.
2 November 2010
By Haaretz Service
alestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad declared Tuesday that the suburbs of Jerusalem would one day be part of the eternal Palestinian capital, according to Israeli media reports.
Fayyad made his remarks at a reception marking the inauguration of two East Jerusalem schools in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Dahiat al-Barid, on the Palestinian side of the separation fence.
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Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad visits a school in the West Bank village of Dahiat Al-BarId on the outskirts of Jerusalem, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. |
Photo by: AP |
The Palestinian premier had decided to skip the inauguration of another school, in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Dahiat al-Salam, earlier in the day Israel's Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich issued a warrant banning him from the hall.
The warrant stated that no event under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority could take place within Jerusalem city limits – including the hall in Dahiat al-Salam.
At the reception in al-Barid, Fayad told the audience that Israel was the only entity holding on to the stance that the Palestinian Authority could not operate in East Jerusalem.
Asked by journalists why he had cancelled his trip to Dahiat al-Salam, the former World Bank economist said: "What do you expect? This is an occupation."