Atta Jaber’s family has farmed the Baqa'a Valley in the illegally occupied West Bank for hundreds of years, but since Israel’s 1967 occupation, their land has been confiscated piecemeal by Israeli settlers, and their homes and ancient terraces destroyed
Segregated streets. Settler violence. Military harassment. This happens all over the occupied West Bank, but perhaps nowhere are these scenes more concentrated than in the Old City of Hebron. The once vibrant Palestinian cultural center is now ground zero
Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that they play a part in priming Israeli children for military service. She analyzes the presentation of images, maps, layouts and language.
Another example of Israel's brutal regime of house demolitions to expand Israeli control over E.Jerusalem to build a Settler Yeshiva, (religious seminary)
Salem Al Qudwa, Palestinian architect describes the housing situation in Gaza and remedies within the extreme destruction of its infrastructure by the Israeli state.
The Palestinian community in Lydd, a mixed city, is under attack from the Israeli settler movement, taking over huge tranches of the 'mixed city', especially after the uprising of Palestinian citizens of Israel during the Gaza War in May 2021
“Why would an Israeli Jew choose to live in the West Bank?” That’s the question that motivates writer Wajahat Ali to travel to Israel in a new documentary on a personal quest to understand the illegal settlers perspectives.
Although Sheikh Jarrah makes up just a tiny part of Occupied East Jerusalem, the area is a major source of tension between Palestinians and Israelis. A recent order to evict Palestinian families has triggered days of violent protests.
Israeli police and soldiers this week demolished dozens of Palestinian families' apartments in an area that is supposed to be under full Palestinian control . Filmmakers Yuval Abraham and Rachel Shor stayed with one of those families through the demolitio
The Land Speaks Arabic. An amazing and revealing documentary film by Maryse Gargour Reviewed by Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh:
EDWARD SAID (1935-2003). Palestinian-born intellectual and world-famous literary critic. Author of 'Orientalism' and 'The Question of Palestine'. Professor of English Literature at Columbia University, NYC until his death. From the BBC series 'Exiles'
An investigation by BBC News Arabic into Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, who controls companies that have donated $100m to Elad, a settler organisation operating in occupied East Jerusalem.
The third part of this journey takes a look at the situation in the Jordan Valley and the possibilities for peace. Your contributions towards our costs are very welcome: Please contribute at this link: http://contribute.greenolivetours.com
Andrew Feinstein, South African Jewish Anti-Apartheid activist, speaks from his own experience as an MP in Mandela's parliament.
The Bedouin Shepherds Struggle to survive under Israel's occupation and settler violence in the Jordan Valley in Area C
Israel's governing Likud party has called for annexing the Occupied West Bank, and the Knesset has passed a law that seeks to cement control of East Jerusalem. The moves are a response to growing Israeli isolation in the wake of a recent UN vote.
Published on Nov 7, 2011 Guided Tour in Hebron This video on our website: http://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/... For more Breaking the Silence videos: http://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/.
Published on Jun 29, 2016 Digging for Trouble (2008): Some Israeli archaelogists are starting to speak out against their country's newest control tactic. For similar stories, see: Israeli Squatters are Forcing Palestinians Out of Their Homes https://www.
Jan 26, 2017 Israeli mathematician Kobi Snitz, who participated in the action in Umm al-Hiran, says the evidence undermines the police's version of the story as a terrorist attack:Help support The Real News,donate today:http://therealnews.com/donate
Eyal says: “One of the most fascinating conversations I had. Being interviewed by Tariq Ali”
A talk given at the AGM in 2014 of ICAHD UK: Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
"I’ve lived through my life watching my neighbors and family being slowly pushed out of the city." On December 14, Israel is set to expel the Sub Laban family from their home in East Jerusalem. Published on Dec 8, 2015
In this powerful film we hear from Palestinians who claim to have been used as human shields by the Israeli military: 12 August 2015
Family and witnesses of victims of police violence in the Naqab speak out in video produced by Yotam Ronen, Oren Ziv and Keren Manor of Activestills for The Electronic Intifada.Published on Jan 21, 2015
The movie talks about Palestinian agriculture in the Jordan Valley. Nowadays most of the agriculture in the area is cultivated by illegal Israeli settlers who appropriated land and water from Palestinian farmers, who are forced out of the area.
The new road map - The One State Solution by professor Ilan Pappe in Oslo Litterature House. date: 21.11.2014
Why have Western countries only now decided to vote to recognize the state of Palestine? What will be the outcome? Will a legitimate Palestinian state bring peace to the region? Is an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan a dead end?
Across the settlements and roads of the West Bank and along the Separation Wall, Israeli architect Eyal Weizman demonstrates how architecture is central to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. "Architecture and the built environment is a slow violence"
Sir Alan Duncan MP, Conservative Member of Parliament and former Minister speaks delivers a hard-hitting speech on the Israel-Palestinian Peace Process. Read the speech here: https://www.rusi.org/events/past/ref:E5409871BBC25A#.VD0yts9wYdW
On Tuesday 9th September 2014, Dr Mustafa Barghouti shared with hundreds of Palestinian human rights supporters – gathered to lobby their MPs – his eye-witness account about the situation in Gaza. The contents of his speech and presentation are disturbing
Jeff Halper of The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions reports on Israel's policy to deny nearly all Palestinians permits to build homes and then demolishing houses they build for not having permits. He describes Israel's Zionist policies.
An extraordinary insight into Palestinian city life before 1948 that reveals the loss of a culture and lifestyle.
On Tuesday morning at around 9.30am, a group of settlers surrounded the al-Kurd family home in Sheikh Jarrah and took over a section of the house. Fifteen to twenty settlers, accompanied by private armed security and Israeli police forces.
Four-part series on the ‘nakba’, meaning the ‘catastrophe’, about the history of the Palestinian exodus that led to the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948 and the establishment of the state of Israel. Arab, Israeli and Western intellectuals, historians talk
A filmmaker travels through the West Bank exploring the relationship between Palestinians and Israeli settlers.
What apartheid in Israel is really like.
How not going into the Israeli army discriminates against Israel's Palestinian citizens
Demonstration to open Palestinian access to Shuhada Street in the West Bank city of Hebron, February 21, 2014. Some 500 protesters, including foreign and Israeli activists, gathered on Friday, marking the 20th anniversary of the closure of the street.
Documents the struggle of a Bedouin family who have lived for generations in the desert hills around Jerusalem against an encroaching Jewish settlement. It is a struggle for land and cultural autonomy that has culminated in a massive eviction campaign .
The Jewish settlement of Yizhar is described as "an extremist bastion on the hilltops commanding the Palestinian city of Nablus in the northern West Bank." Its roughly 1,000 radical Jewish settlers terrorize 20,000 Palestinians from surrounding villages.
A response by NGOs to the unconstitutional Prawer Plan
Public poll by Rabbis for Human Rights
Israelis protesting against the Prawer Plan with suggestions what we can do.
Nomads Against their Will is a short movie about the unrecognized village of Atir--Umm el-Hieran in the Naqab, which is threatened with demolition. The film presents the viewer with two possible scenarios for the village's future over the next ten years.
The Prawer Plan and the Arab Bedouin in the Naqab
Arab-Bedouin citizens of Israel have been living in Umm al-Hieran since 1956, when the Israeli civil administration moved them to this hill in the Naqab. Now, the state wants to move them out, and replace their village with the Jewish town of Hiranan
For more information go to: www.jahalin.org (and correction as to UNRWA food supplies). The story of the impending displacement of Bedouin refugees in the Jerusalem Periphery area, by the Israeli military. Published on Apr 15, 2012
Forced Displacement on Both Sides of the Green Line Adalah captures the stories of two Palestinian villages, Al-Araqib
Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family.Here he reveals his story and how it relates to dispelling the myths surrounding the creation of the Israeli state.
Expectations are zero that Obama will broker peace between Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, Obama accused of siding with Israel on every issue -
Inside Palestine's besieged Areas "A" - how the Ramallah bubble was created and how it might burst - January 17, 2013
My Neighbourhood tells the story of Mohammed El Kurd, a Palestinian teenager growing up in the heart of East Jerusalem when Mohammed's family is forced to give up a part of their home to Israeli settlers.
Efforts to reform Israel's discriminatory land allocation has met with failure, because mayors of impoverished Jewish communities are loath to cooperate with the mayors of Palestinian and Bedouin towns and villages.
Arab--Bedouin citizens of Israel have been living in Umm al-Hieran since 1956, when the Israeli civil administration moved them to this hill in the Naqab (Negev). Now, the state wants to move them out -- and replace their village with Jewish-only Hiran.
The Prawer Plan and the Arab Bedouins in the Naqab -the ethnic cleansing proposals for 70,000 Bedouin
Israel denies food and water to Eritrean Migrants. Moreover, it intends to deny them not only entry to Israel but also detain them until it returns them to their place of origin. Listen to Israel's Minster stating the same.
The video contains pictures of different Palestinian cities during the 1920's and 1930's, before the creation of the state of israel by the zionists in 1948.
Zochrot remembers the masacre at Deir Yassin which led to the fear and flight of the Palestinian refugees.
Eitan Bronstein of Zochrot remembers the destroyed Palestinian village.
The scattered Palestinian communities south of Hebron struggle on a daily basis from Israeli harassment, poverty, health conditions, transportation, etc. However, despite the hard conditions they live under, they strive to survive a very hostile area they
Approximately 1,000 people -- Palestinian refugees and their descendants, originally from the Jerusalem-area village of Lifta -- now live in a small community next door to the Hebrew University.For more information, visit http://alternativenews.org
Professor Salman H. Abu-Sitta of the London-based Palestine Land Society gives a personal account of how he became a refugee in Palestine in 1948. Using data from his research, Abu-Sitta shows how over 600 Palestinian villages were systematically depopula
The Jerusalem Municipality has approved construction of 268 housing units, one hotel and a number of community institutions on the site of the ancient Palestinian village of Lifta. Before 1948, more than 3,000 Palestinians lived in Lifta.
The Palestinian Arab village of al-Ras al-Ahmar ("The red peak") was located until 30/10/1948 on the top of a hill. Its 800 Palestinian inhabitants were forced to flee in 1948. 5 refugees who live today in Ayn alHelwi camp in Lebanon tell their story.
Bulldozers and security police thugs demolish homes and trees in Silwan
Palestinians fear they will lose their homes as illegal settlements swallow the occupied territory.
Published on May 10, 2012 Was the appropriation of Palestinian books and manuscripts in 1948 a case of cultural theft or preservation?
Interview of the owner of the demolished house : Sheikh Nasri, in Al Jabal in the west bank near Bethlehem. For more information visit International Solidarity Movement at http://palsolidarity.org/2011/10/20517
Can Isayas help protect fellow African refugees in Israel from violence, discrimination and an uncertain future?
A short animated film by Alon Simone gives a lighthearted treatment to a serious subject: the devastating impact of Israel's permit regime for Palestinian farmers with land across the Separation Barrier. Courtesy of the Assn for Civil Rts. in Israel:ACRI
Residents of the E.Jerusalem suburb of Bir Nabala tell how their lives have been affected by the West Bank separation barrier, which reached the community in 2006, separating it from the rest of E.Jerusalem, turning it into a ghost town.
Human rights groups have denounced an Israeli government plan to destroy 35 Bedouin villages that it has declared illegal in the Negev desert. The move - reportedly planned to enable the building of homes for 10,000 people - threatens their livelihoods.
Made in 2005 but still relevant, this documents Israel's intentions to remove the Bedouin from their ancestral lands well before the Prawer Plan being enforced today.
Israeli Journalist Lia Tarachansky returns to the settlement where she grew up, to uncover a buried history and a landscape of denial
Celebrated Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe has written a new book "The Forgotten Palestinians". Pappe reveals the situation for the Palestinians who still live within Israel's borders.
How a racist settler boy controls the IDF soldiers who control the Palestinian streets in Hebron, saying to the soldier that this man shouldn’t be here, he is an Arab! That is why Old Hebron is a ghost town.
Ibrahim Nawaja, a young local leader of the Susiya community and a student for documentary films in a colleague in Bethlehem, asked five women and four men in Susiya to share their feelings and fears about living under constant threats of demolitions.
The Human Turbine “Human turbine” is the story of an exciting encounter between Jewish academics Palestinian shepherds Susiya population – refugees deported three times already.Full Movie (hebrew subtitles) http://hot.ynet.co.il/home/0,7340,L-8954-44338
Israelis join protest against the denial of water to Palestinians in Area C in the Jordan Valley, while illegal Israeli settlements revel in lush greenery.
Israel has cut ties with the UN Human Rights Council after its settlement policy was condemned. How can it violate the human rights of Palestinians and claim to be the only democracy in the region?
A Palestinian from the village of Bil'in in the West Bank films the brutality of the Israeli army against peaceful protestors against the Wall suffocating their land and village.
A powerful historic documentary of the partition of Palestine, and what it is like to be an occupied people.
The Israeli Police demolished the Arab Bedouin village of Al-Arakib for the third time in two weeks to clear space for a Jewish National Fund forest. And for the third time, the residents of Al-Arakib rebuilt their destroyed homes alongside Jewish Israeli
The uprooting of the olive trees and destruction of the land of Abu Nidal in the village of Al-Walaja. This heartbreaking experience was exacerbated by the fact that the apartheid wall being built will encircle the village, cutting of its farmland.
Jewish National Fund's practice of selling and leasing land exclusively to Jewish owners is met with growing opposition
Hundreds of Palestinians could be displaced if Jerusalem authorities carry out a plan to turn the neighborhood of Al Bustan into a tourist park. Instead of the threatened demolitions, there is an alternative community plan.
Israeli bulldozers today destroyed a garden and childrens playground in Beit Jala, and 100 fruit and olive trees in Al Walaja and Beit Jala, both in the Bethlehem district, to make way for the continued construction of their illegal apartheid wall.
Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that they play a part in priming Israeli children for military service. She analyzes the presentation of images, maps, layouts and language.
A Public hearing at Zochrot, a testimony given by Amnon Neauman, a 1948 Palmach soldier describing the occupation of Palestinian villages in the Negev. Initiated and organized by Amir Hallel. The testimony was video-recorded by Lia Tarachansky.
The Traffic lights in East Jerusalem, and the road widths are designed to give settlers free flow into Jerusalem, and frustrating delays for Palestinian residents..
Isrseli soldiers display their arrogance, racism and defiant cruellty at checkpoints for Palestinians.
Israel's unquenchable thirst for Palestinian land and resources is painfully demonstrated in this shocking documentary.
Video series in 4 parts to show how Sheikh Jarrah is resisting the evictions of its Arab residents and takeover by settlers reminiscent of 1948
This clip about the illegal Wall and Israeli land grabs had been on the (British) Foreign Office Web Site, but it was subsequently removed, due to pressure from the Jewish Board of Deputies.
The disturbing plan to uproot 45,000 Bedouin of the Negev from unrecognised villages into sub-standard urban townships, without consultation, and reneging on all past promises.
How the Absentee Property Law is used for the theft of Palestiinian homes, property and land.
Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protest rising prices while Israeli Palestinian citizens,who make up 20% of the population, organize for equality.The Real News' Lia Tarachansky spoke to Dror K. Levy, a professor of Cultural Studies at Haifa University.
Protest at Ben Gurion Airport while the remaining boats in the Free Gaza Movement’s flotilla are still trying to leave the Greek ports, activists from around the world organized a mass fly-in known as the Flytilla.
Four Palestinians and two Israelis used cameras provided by the Guardian and B'Tselem human rights organisation to record video diaries about their lives and experiences in East Jerusalem
The appalling brutality against a peaceful protestor against the Jerusalem Day youth march
Unmissable and courageous expose demythologising of the facts behind the propaganda of the Israeli state by the son of a famous Israeli General, and a challenge to the Israeli Lobby.
Yacoub Odeh, a Palestinian who fled from Lifta, west Jerusalem in 1948, shows film-maker Mat Heywood around his deserted home village, now under threat from Israeli plans to build a luxury resort
The illegal King's Garden proposal threatens 89 Silwan homes - while the residents' Alternative Plan is being obstructed by Jerusalem's municipality.
How Apartheid influences traffic control in Jerusalem.
A campaign to target Palestinian community leaders and organizations seems to be underway in Jerusalem with unjustified closure of over 25 community centers and the interrogation and arrests of various political leaders.
Revealing the ominous role of the extreme settler movement Ateret Hacohanim in buying up Greek Orthodox property in E. Jerusalem.
Following on from his 2010 Dispatches: Children of Gaza, Bafta Award-winning filmmaker Jezza Neumann provides a second shocking portrait of children living in the aftermath of war.
A new film by Zochrot showing the tragedy of the expulsion of Jaffa's Arab population and the destruction of their neighbourhood that continues to this day.
A masterpiece of arrogance, denial, obfuscation and inflexibility
November 28 2010 -Here is an al Jazeera video of Israel pulling down a mosque in the Jordan Valley village of Khirbat Yarza, Tubas, (deep inside the West Bank).
A revealing documentary on the Jerusalem municipality's intentions for Silwan, working in conjunction with the extreme Elad settlers to build the City of David and the King's Garden -at the expense of the existing Palestinian residents:
Is the removal of historic treasures from the occupied territories a case of cultural preservation or stealing a heritage? What role has the science of archeology played in the Arab-Israeli dispute? Al Jazeera searches through the alarming evidence
The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State. Ronen successfully combines archival footage with commentary from himself and other experts
The casual destruction by the brutish Israeli security forces of a Bedouin village in the Negev, unrecognised though with rights to this area since the Mandate era
Further destruction by the brutish Israeli security forces of a Bedouin village in the Negev.
Casual destruction of a playground in Beit Jala, and 100 fruit and olive trees to extend the Apartheid Wall
The uprooting of the olive trees and destruction of the land of Abu Nidal in the village of Al-Walaja. This heartbreaking experience was exacerbated by the fact that the apartheid wall being built will encircle the village on all sides.
This Aljazeera website will lead you to an eight part documentary on Jaffa. The program name is called Palestine Street. Well worth watching not just by people who hail from Jaffa, but by anyone interested in the Palestine story.
A Galway activist protests against the Israeli "Apartheid" wall built on occupied Palestinian Land. This short documentary explains his relationship with the village of Bil'in in the West Bank where the wall cuts off large areas of land from the village
Adalah takes us on a short but illuminating odyssey through the separate and unequal world of Israel. Watch it now!
This vieo shows teh targeting of the last Arab neighbourhood in Jaffa to harass the residents and expand the Jewish population in its heart.
This is a video interview with a resident of the East jerusalem neighborhood Silwan. He describes the systematic home demolition and confiscation of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem expected to displace 1500 people in the next few weeks and another 1500
Israel’s blockade of Gaza has been in place for almost three years.This short film from Medical Aid to Palestine (MAP) examines what the blockade means for the people of Gaza, as they struggle to rebuild their lives over a year after Operation Cast Lead.
Israeli troops fired tear gas and concussion grenades on Sunday midday at a Mass held by residents of Beit Sahour city, southern West Bank. Residents from Beit Sahour along with international supporters...
The fight is on for the holiest city in the holy land. The Israelis say Jerusalem must never be divided; the Palestinians say the east of the city is theirs and must become the capital of a new state. Jane Corbin walks through the disputed streets .
Showing the ruthless take-over of a Palestinian house in Sheikh Jarrah by illegal settlers helped by Israel's border police.
TRNN speaks to settlers, Palestinians, and experts to understand the process of land confiscation in OPT
The unhinged tunneling activity by the extreme religious El Ad foundation is revealed in this recording of a guided tour by El Ad's head, boasting of his permissive deception of the authorities and the courts.
The film is narrated by and features Roger Waters, who visits the Wall and comments on his observations. The film also features Palestinians affected by the Wall and three Israeli senior security officials who were directly responsible for planning it.
Video footage that aired Friday shows an Al-Jazeera reporter covering an anti-separation fence rally in the West Bank dodging a tear gas grenade fired by Israel Defense Forces troops.
Israelis restrict Palestinians' water supply World Bank report: Israelis have access to four times as much water as Palestinians due to restrictions
Riveting documentation of the illegal settler land grab in Jerusalem, particularly in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah
The saga continues in Silwan and even across the infamous Wall, showing the devious and arrogant nature of land expropriation from Palestinians.
The extreme settler organisation ELAD backed by the government and Jerusalem Municipality in its takeover of Palestinian areas of Jerusalem
Israel uses its Absentee Property laws to supposedly hold Palestinian property 'in trust', but the Land Administration agency never intended to return them to their rightful owners.
The horrifying impact of the inhuman andn illegal security barrriers imposed on the WEst Bank Palestinians
The Israel Occupation Army understands that future wars will take place in cities rather than in open fields. It uses architectural theory of re-casting the city fabric and using the technique of going through Walls.
Suroosh Alvi of VBS.TV, an innovative TV viewing site gives a fascinating account of the effect of the Wall and the contrast between lives in Israel and Palestine.
Very few Palestinian workers from the Occupied Territories are employed inside Israel. However, a few are employed in Israeli settlements or industrial zones situated in the OPTs. Watch this fascinating film about the super-exploitation of these workers.
This is what it's like going through one of the 586 checkpoints that separate every Palestinian town and village.The gates are deliberately built smaller than the recommended size.
A short video on the criminal destruction of Palestinian orchards in the village of Ertas near Bethlehem to make way for Bank
This short video shows the struggle by soap factories in Nablus to stay in business.
Video showing Ush Graib residents near Bethlehem taking back land that had been requisitioned as a military base, that had been home to many Palestinians.Settlers from a nearby newly formed illegal settlement are trying to grab the army base.
A powerful one-hour documentary in 4 parts giving an intimate portrait of the day-to-day struggle for education in the West Bank and in insight into life under Occupation in Palestine, and life under fire. Produced by Flashback TV for Al-Jazeera English
Seth Freedman hears how Palestinians in the West Bank have been affected by Israel's security wall, and what efforts have been made to find unity in the region
Has peace in the Middle East become nothing more than a pipe dream? As Bob Simon reports, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians feel that a two-state solution is no longer possible.
A short documentary highlights the plight of Bedouin Israeli citizens living in the Naqab (Negev) desert. Approx. 70,000 live in the poverty of 'unrecognized villages', denied essential public services, facing fundamental human rights violations.
This video shows the impact of Israeli blocks on fuel supply
The following video describes in pictures and words the shocking details of Israel's deliberate ravaging of Palestinian life and society in Gaza. Its purpose is to call attention to the plight of a people under siege,ignored by the world.
A moment of freedom from the suffocating Israeli seige
Jonathan Miller travels the length of Gaza, reviewing the shattering scale of what has been done to the territory.
Rafael Greenberg - Israeli archaeologist shows how archaeology is being used by fundamentalist settlers to remove and intimidate existing residents of Silwan in illegally annexed East Jerusalem
The Jerusalem Mayor denies that tunneling by the Elad settlers has caused the collapse of a school floor, even though it is glaringly clear for all to see!
Videos and reports on the illegal Israeli siege of Gaza. Five videos by Clancy Chassay and reports by Rory McCarthy highlight the inhumanity of collective punishment inflicted on Gaza's citizens by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
This is the trailer of the documentary we shot in Gaza. We hope it is a realistic perspective, an insider point of view of the only foreign camera that filmed the whole attack
Residents of the E.Jerusalem suburb of Bir Nabala tell how their lives have been affected by the West Bank separation barrier, starting in 2006. The 8-metre-high concrete walls encircled the township, turning it into ghost town.
During Israel's 22-day military operations in Gaza, from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, named Operation Cast Lead, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly exploded white phosphorus munitions in the air over populated areas, killing many.