Museums should cancel these Israel Days of Science
Quite extraordinarily, the Science Museum in London and the ManchesterMuseum of Science and Industry have both been made available (on 3 and 5 March respectively) for an event called "Israel Day of Science". The museums argue they are not sponsoring the event, but have merely hired out their premises. This subtle distinction is unlikely to be appreciated by the many thousands of all ages and faiths who have repeatedly taken to the streets round the country to protest against Israeli war crimes in Gaza.
The event is promoted by the Zionist Federation and is designed to showcase the scientific achievements of seven Israeli universities. But all of these are complicit in the Israeli occupation and in the policies and weaponry so recently deployed to such disastrous effect in Gaza. To take just one example, Tel Aviv University, in its most recent annual review, states that "the Israel ministry of defence is currently funding 55 projects at TAU", which "is playing a major role in enhancing Israel's security capabilities and military edge". The head of TAU's security studies programme was a former director of the R&D directorate of the Israel ministry of defence. He holds the rank of major-general in the Israel Defence Forces and is a member of the Knesset.
Israel Day of Science is aimed particularly at sixth-form students, who can be expected to come in parties from schools across the country. What reaction can be expected from the many young people, already disaffected from science, who will associate the science museums with this Israeli public relations exercise? The event is being billed as a celebration of science. In fact it is an attempted celebration of Israel.
In the immediate aftermath of the indiscriminate slaughter and attempted annihilation of all the infrastructure of organised society in Gaza, how can this "celebration" be allowed to borrow some respectability from the use of these distinguished institutions? The museums should cancel these unseemly events.
Charles Jencks
Architect, Historian, Writer
Mairead Maguire
Nobel Peace Laureate
Dr Ian Gibson MP
Mermber of Parliament
Walter Hain RIBA
Ahdaf Soueif
Prof R.S.MacKay FRS
Director of Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research,
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick
Victoria Brittain
Reem Kelani
Dr Jenny Tonge
House of Lords
Lindsey German
Convenor of Stop the War Coalition
Karl Sabbagh
Prof Steven Rose
Life Sciences, Open University
Sabah Al-Mukhtar
President, Arab Lawyers Association (UK)
John Rose
College lecturer/ Middle East author
Prof Jonathan Rosenhead
Operational Research, London School of Economics
Dr Monica Wusteman
Research Scientist (retired)
Prof Jules Townshend
Politics and Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mike Cushman
Management, London School of Economics
Dr. Sue Blackwell
Linguistics, University of Birmingham
Professor Mohamed El - Gomati
Department of Electronics University of York
Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky
Film and Media Studies, University of East London
Prof. Daphne Hampson
Theology, University of St Andrews
Prof Peter Hallward
Modern European Philosophy, Middlesex University
Prof Janet Watson
Arabic Linguistics, University of Salford
Prof Patrick Williams
Nottingham Trent University
Prof Hilary Rose
Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, University of Bradford
Prof David Seddon
University of East Anglia
Prof. Adah Kay
City University, London
Prof David Wield
Open University
Prof Mona Baker
Translation Studies, University of Manchester
Prof Myriam Salama-Carr
University of Salford
Prof Gabriel Alexander Khoury
Imperial College London and Padua University Italy
Prof. David Mond
Mathematics Institute, Warwick University
Prof David E Pegg
Biology Department University of York
Professor Tariq Modood, MBE, AcSS
Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy, Director, University of Bristol
Prof Frank Land
Information Systems and Innovations, LSE
Prof Ailsa Land
Operational Research, London School of Economics
Prof Hans Haenlein, RIBA, MBE
Architecture, University of Reading
Prof Wolfgang Deckers
University of Richmond
Prof Malcolm Povey
Food Physics, University of Leeds
Prof Sol Picciotto
Law, Lancaster University
Prof James Dickens
Arabic, School of Languages, University of Salford
Prof David Elworthy
Mathematics, University of Warwick
Prof Roger Iredale
International education, University of Manchester
Prof Jim Al-Khalili
Professor of Physics, and of Public Engagement in Science, University of Surrey
Prof Colin Green
Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research
Prof Haim Bresheeth
Cultural Studies, University of East London
Prof Uri Davis
Al Quds University, Jerusalem
Prof Martha Mundy
Anthropology, London School of Economics
Prof Paulette Pierson Mathy
hon. Prof. ULB, Brussels
Prof Randa Farah
Anthropology, University of Western Ontario
Prof. Anthony C. Alessandrini
Kingsborough Community Coll-City University of New York
Dr Derek Wall
Visiting tutor, Goldsmiths College
Lesley McGorrigan
Institute of Psychological Sciences, University of Leeds
William Edmondson
Computer Sciences, University of Birmingham
Miranda Pennell
Senior Lecturer, Laban Institute
Dr. Judit Druks
University College London
Stephie Fehr
Research Officer, European Law and Legal Studies
University of Leeds
Antony Bolton
Student, Architecture, University of Westminster
Dr T Jacoby
Development Policy and Management,
The University of Manchester
Marilyn Clarke
Imperial College
Dr Keith Hammond
Philosophy, Education, University of Glasgow.
Dr Chris Roberts
Community Based Medicine
University of Manchester
John Airs
Hon Research Fellow, Liverpool University
Janet Green
Unison Equalities Officer London Metropolitan University
Chris Warnes
Cambridge University
Muhammad Rajah
Manchester University
Paul Kelemen
Manchester University
Dr.Bob Brecher
Centre for Applied Philosophy University of Brighton
Liz Lindsay
retired Science Lecturer, College of NW London
Dr Michael Loughlin
Applied Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University
Laleh Khalili
Dr. David Kidner
Psychology, Nottingham Trent University
Dr Miriam Muller
Medieval History, University of Birmingham
Philip Gilligan
Senior Lecturer, University of Bradford
Dr Rumy Hasan
Senior Lecturer, SPRU University of Sussex
John Porter
IT Services, University of Strathclyde
Shahid Bux
PhD Candidate, University of St Andrews
Inma Alvarez
Lecturer, Open University
Pat Sanchez
SL for languages (retired) Hopwood Hall College of Further Education
Jenna Delich
Lecturer, Sheffield College.
Carmen Perea-Gohar
Humanities Department, Imperial College
John Trapp
Lecturer, Open University
Francesca Viceconti
Tutor, History of Art
Zohair M. Abu Shaban
Post-graduate Student, London
Jessica Wheeler
Darwin College, University of Cambridge
Paul Reynolds
Edge Hill University
Sami Soud
Student, Imperial College
Ausaf Farooqi
Doctoral student, University of Cambridge
Dr. Saladin Meckled-Garcia
Lecturer, Human Rights, University College London
Ali S Afana
Graduate student, Birmingham
Dr Helen Colley
Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Bucker Dangor
Emeritus Reader Imperial College
Dr. John Baxter
History and Social Policy, Sheffield College
Dr Les Levidow
Senior Research Fellow, Open University
Dr Ghada Karmi
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter
Tareq Hussain
Post-graduate student, Imperial College
Judy Hicks
Faculty of Health and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University
Mark Shuttleworth
Imperial College
Josep Perez Prior
Lecturer, Imperial College
Dr Ramez J Ghazoul
Manchester Business School and University of Mosul (retd)
John Angliss
Alan Cooper
European College of Business and Management, London
Christine Vie
Manchester Metropolitan University
Sarah Gartland
Lecturer, Roehampton University
Michelle Dumont
University of Cambridge
Mara Benetti
Imperial College
Dr Graham Dyer
Economics, SOAS; President SOAS UCU
Doug Holton
Stranmillis University College
Dr Gabriella Saldanha
University of Birmingham
Tom Heydeman
Microbial biochemistry, University of Reading (retd.)
Bernard Kilroy
Open University tutor (retd)
Shabana Basheer
Masters student and Palestine Solidarity Society Edinburgh University
Samia al Botmeh
Birzeit University Jerusalem and SOAS
Christina Purcell
Graduate Business School, Manchester Metropolitan University
Ammar Waraich
Medical student, Imperial College
Bob Askew
Economics, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Claude Baesens
Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Warwick
Abdul Pathan
Manchester University
Robbie Georgiou
Geography and Development Studies, University of Sussex
Maureen McWilliams
Sociology, Sheffield Hallam University
Syed Choudhury
Student, Queen Mary College London
Irene Calis
Doctoral student, LSE
Dr Juan Lalaguna
Spanish and Translation Studies, Imperial College
Benjamin Jones
College of North East London; UCU
Leila Day-Khan
Postgraduate student, University of London
Zoe Mars
Retd Academic Secretary, Institute of Development Studies, Univ of Sussex
Chris Wright
Administration, Central Library, Imperial College
Dr John Chalcraft
History and Politics of Empire / Imperialism. London School of Economics
Lee Freeman
Film Studies, University of Hull
Philip Marfleet
Reader in Refugee Studies, University of East London
Jenny Hardacre
Faculty of Arts, Anglia Ruskin University
Tom Hickey
Principal Lecturer in Philosophy and Politics, University of Brighton
Dr Derek Summerfield
Psychiatrist, Maudesley Hospital
Dr Jorge Diaz-Cintas
Imperial College
Yael Kahn
Islington Friends of Yibna
Faisal Fazal
Senior Production Executive, EuroDirect, Leeds
David Polden
London CND
David Ward
Maha Rahwanji
Brent Adult and Community Education Service
Abe Hayeem RIBA
Chair, Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine
Rosamine Hayeem
Dr Chris Burns
Steve Fox
Beatriz Maturana
Architects for Peace
Michael Goulden RIBA
Tony Greenstein
Brighton & Hove Trades Council
Dr Brian Robinson
Retired psychiatrist, UK NHS
Averil Parkinson
Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Alex Trapp
Student Nurse
Deborah Fink
Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods
John Murray
Dr Kay Phillips
National chair of Respect
Anne Gwynne
Anne Key
Dr Mikael Grut
Eric Austen
Community Mediator
Dr Emile Haddad
Sara Wood
Stop The War Coalition
Paul Brown
University and College Union
Dr M Asif
Dr Murray Goulden
Energy Technology Institute, Loughborough
Neil Griffin
Tom Patton
Retired teacher and Methodist minister
Dr Pat McIntyre
Mark Krantz
Convener, Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition
Ruth Tenne
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Andrew J Silvera
Dr Berenice Kreel
Retired paediatrician
Rev Hazel Barkham
Robert Shearer FRCS
Urological surgeon (retd)
Kevin Davis
Easton Cowboys FC
Anne Wright
Writer and translator
Christopher Coppock
Local government ecologist
Dr Harmke Hamminga
Saira Waheed
Deloitte MCS
Owen Holland
Ex-St Catherine's College Cambridge
Michael Bailey
Stella Maris
Dr Abdel A El-Hassan
Martin O'Shea RIBA
Sylvia Cohen
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Birgit Schoer MSc FGS
Environmental scientist
Faisal Kahn RIBA
Asif Khan MRTPI
Kelvin Bland RIBA
Saleha Sayeed
General Teaching Council of England
Saadia Siddiqui
General Teaching Council of England
Muhammed Nusrat Alam Khan
Institute of Civil Engineers
Judith Joy
Ex-tutor, Occupational Therapy, York St John University
Maureen Frost
Dorset Palestine-Israel Peace Group
John Nunn
Science teacher
Diana Binstead
Retired teacher
Chris Somes-Charlton
The Miktab Limited
Idwal Morgan
Member, Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Nelly Takla-Wright
Deputy Gen-Sec, Assn of Professionals in Education and Childrens Trusts
Martin Shirley
South Somerset Peace Group
Stanley Walinets
Retired Courts Officer, Wansdworth Social Services
Jeffrey Anderson BSc
Grassington and District Peace Group
Fahima Sahabdeen
Sue Fraser
Retired teacher, NUT member
Jenny Morgan
Yahya Abbas
Transport Engineer, TfL
Kevin Connor
Taxi driver
James Goddard MBE
Elizabeth Gordon
Consultant surgeon
Consultant, Epsom and St Helier University Hospital Trust
Damian McCarthy
Marina Grut
Dance teacher, choreographer, author
Najib Al-Hakimi
Community Development Manager, Liverpool Arabic Centre
Elaine Fishwick
Liverpool Arabic Centre
Christine Hashim
Liverpool Arabic Centre
Dylan Kearon
Liverpool Arabic Centre
William Kearon
Liverpool Arabic Centre
Patrick Kearon
Liverpool Arabic Centre
Lynda Hicks
Liverpool Arabic Centre
Geoffrey Hicks
Liverpool Arabic Centre
Gordon Turner
Dr Martin Birnstingl MS FRCS
retired consultant surgeon, St Bartholomew's Hospital London and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital London (both University of London)
Ian Cruchley
Rubeina Nazneen Miah
Gill Lee
Nasar Iqbal
Elinor Chohan
Anwar ul-Haq
Zeagham Ahmad
Sylvia Finzi
Mark Brett
Rushna Choudhury
Salle Dare
Peter Dwyer
Mary Bedforth
Caroline Hope
Janet Trapp
Patricia Smith
Camilla Littleweed
Tricia Atherton
Nadira Choudhury
June Bradbury
Amanda Sebestyen
Ian Murdoch
Miss I Naushahi
Richard Stainton
Kay Manasseh
Sharen Green
Sophia Manzoor
Janette Gluckstein
Deborah Davies
Bryan Davies
Paul Bryson
Mrs Bryson
Mark Chesworth
Brendan O'Rourke
Belinda Burke
Adrian Boutel
Jackie Williams
Jim Peters
Daniel Russell
Janet Sturge
Iftikhar Awan
Rose Reeve
Phelim Mac Cafferty
Masood Hussain
Javaid Shafi
M. Mohebi
Mohammad Kamaali
Sylvia Madden
John Severs
Mrs Alice Severs
Salima Begum
Abdul Azeem
Fobitho Shoril
Muhammad Bilal
Patricia Goddard
Barbara Loveluck
Elaine Bowen
Eleanor Kilroy
Elizabeth Wardle
Ian Cuthbertson
Lesley Docksey
Nael Habboush
Cylla Lynch
David Marchesi
Shaheed Iqbal
Ayesha Sabat
Mohammed Amin
Gabrielle Williams
Dave Ives
Tirza Waisel
Ajmal Masroor
Gail Waldman
N. Siddiqi
Bouran Irfa
Jawad Qasrawi
Fatima Mahmoud
Sonia Omar
Sonali Bhattacharyya
Mrs Penny Leigh-Brown
Sandra Smidt
Ann Needham
Simon Penfound
Lubna Chowdhary
Nick Higgins
Faz Ryder
Mr Richard Haddad
Nadja Grairi
Sabrina Abdelhak
Helen Marks
Piyara Begum
Sue Elworthy
Saiqa Ali
Carol Pearman
Lorna Low
Barbara Cookson
Felix Mindham
Jane Jones
Gill Francis
Rajen Yadav
Jill Woodward
Rosamund Hobson
Ijaz Sawar
Howell John
Barbara Bradby
Julia Kostic
Amin Bhaloda
Chick Mc Kain
Mabrouk Maamri
Zain Patel
John Hilley
Aisha Shaheed
Wilf Forrow
Mark Stroud
Ziad Makhzoum
Nael Habboush
Mahmooda Khan
Laiba Khan
Hana Khan
Fahad Khan
Nazish Khan
Hilda Meers
Ted Clement-Evans
Mrs Maureen Harris
Lisa Jones
David Davis
Martin Davidson
Antonia House
Jeremy Hawthorn
Kursheda Ismoilzoda
Jim McGinley
Mr P Rowbotham
Anton Shammas
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Dr. Dennis Kortheuer
Department of History California State University, Long Beach
Patrick Wolfe
Research Fellow, La Trobe University
Dr. John Docker
Australian National University
Dina Jacir
Hampshire College, Amhurst Ma
Dr Ned Curthoys
Research Fellow, Australian National University
RG Davis
University of California Davis
Dr Outi Paloposki
University of Helsinki
Michael Inger
University lecturer
Shaun Joseph
PhD student, University of Rhode Island
Dr. Ib Abildgaard Jacobsen
Consultant physician, Odense University Hospital
Annette Klepzig
Pax Christi, Germany
Dr Souheil Mouhammad
Senior IT Consultant, France
Ronan Nolan
Mechanical engineer, Ireland
Samira Shehadeh
Edith Cacciatore
Carol Yost
Human Resources Administration, City of New York
Malgorzata Juszczak
MSc in Biotechnology Agricultural University of Poznan, Poland
This letter was amended on Thursday 15 October 2009. The name of one of the signatories was removed at her request.