RIBA is right to censure Israeli architects for complicity in settlement building, say over 100 academics, cultural and political figures.

The letter in support of the RIBA, April 3rd, 2014:
“We are writing to express our support for the recent decision of the RIBA Council to move to suspend the Israeli Association of United Architects (IAUA) from the world body of architects, the International Union of Architects (UIA). The parallel decision of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland gives this initiative great force.
We are aware of the difficulties liable to be faced by any body which voices public criticism of the Israeli government. The determination of RIBA and RIAS to take a principled stand on this issue is, in this context , particularly worthy of support. We are sure that you will face attacks – but much of it will be from predictable sources which will raise the spectre of antisemitism in response to all criticism of Israeli government policy, especially when such criticism attracts wide attention.
We understand that you have taken this action because members of IAUA have been closely involved in the design and building of illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and also in the construction of the Apartheid Wall that runs deep into the illegally occupied area. Despite previous resolutions passed by UIA on this topic, IAUA has taken no action to discipline its members who have collaborated in these breaches of international law.
Many people, Jewish and non-Jewish, architects and non-architects, will be heartened by this example of a respected body taking up its ethical and professional responsibilities in so resolute a manner.
The signatories (NOTE: Click here to add your name to this listgiving your credentials.)
Peter Ahrends RIBA
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown author, journalist
Suad Amiry architect, author,Palestine
Prof Mona Baker University of Manchester
Sir Patrick Bateson, FRS.
Cezary Bednarski, RIBA
David Berridge, RIBA
Dr. Robert Boyce London School of Economics
Angela Brady, PPRIBA
Prof Haim Bresheeth SOAS
Victoria Brittain author, journalist
Neave Brown RIBA
David Calder actor
Prof Michael Chanan Roehampton University
Julie Christie actor
Caryl Churchill playwright
Jeremy Corbyn, MP
Ted Cullinan, OBE,RIBA,RA
Mike Cushman London School of Economics
Dr Les Levidow Open University
Prof James Dickens University of Leeds
Gil Mualem Doron, Artist & Researcher
Prof Laurence Dreyfus FBA Oxford University
John Dorman Architect, Ireland
Brian Eno composer
Jane Frere artist
Ronan Gallagher author
Lord Tony Gifford QC
Bob Giles, RIBA
Nasser Golzari architect
Antony Gormley sculptor
Trevor Griffiths playwright
Prof Colin Green University College London
Øystein Grønning Architect, Norway
Nadia Habash Architect, Palestine
Hans Haenlein, RIBA
Walter Hain Architect
Abe Hayeem RIBA Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine
Stephen Harte Architect, Landscape Arch.
Tjatte Hedlund Architect, Sweden
Prof Ted Honderich University College London
Prof Richard Hudson FBA University College London
Charles Jencks architect, historian
Donna M. Joss Worcester State University, US
Dr Ghada Karmi University of Exeter
Adah Kay playwright
Peter Kennard artist, Researcher
Sir Gerald Kaufman MP
Prof Tom Kibble FRS Imperial College
Prof Ailsa Land London School of Economics
Prof Frank Land London School of Economics
Mike Leigh film & theatre writer director
John Lynes Honorary Fellow, University of Lincoln
Prof Yosefa Lishitzky
Prof Malcolm H Levitt FRS
Prof Moshe Machover Kings College London
Kate Macintosh, MBE architect
Miriam Margolyes, OBE actor
Michael Mansfield, QC
Frank McDonald,Hon.Fellow RIBA Journalist.
Jenny Morgan Film-maker
China Miéville author
Prof David Mond University of Warwick
Prof Laura Mulvey Birkbeck, University of London
Hubert Murray, RIBA, AIA
Prof Karma Nabulsi Oxford University
Oscar Samuel Margenet Nadal,RIBA
Owen O'Carroll, RIBA
George Oldham, RIBA
Uriel Orlow artist
Martin O'Shea, RIBA
Prof. Ilan Pappe Exeter University, Historian
Prof David Pegg University of York
Lord Phillips of Sudbury
Prof Malcolm Povey University of Leeds
Jane Rendell UCL, Bartlett
Dan Rigamonti Designer
Glen Robinson Architect, ARB
Prof Jim Roche Dublin School of Architecture, Chair, Academics for Palestine
Prof Hilary Rose University of Bradford
Prof Jacqueline Rose FBA Queen Mary University of London
Prof Steven Rose Open University
Prof Jonathan Rosenhead London School of EconomicsSave & Close
Edwin Rutledge Architect, Germany and US
Prof Richard Seaford University of Exeter
Prof Lynne Segal Birkbeck College, London
Mick Scott RIBA Associate - Oxford Brookes University
Prof Tim Shallice FRS, FAE, FBA FMedSci
Yara Sharif architect
Prof Avi Shlaim Oxford University
Prof John Smith artist film maker
Ahdaf Soueif author
Lord Steel of Aikwood
Baroness Jenny Tonge
Fida Touma co-Director RIWAQ, Palestine
Prof Joy Townsend
Lord Warner
Prof Eyal Weizman Goldsmiths, University of London
Ben White author
Prof David Wield Open University
Oliver Willmore OBE, RIBA
Prof Tom Wooley
David Yeaman, RIBA
(NOTE: Click here to add your name to this list, giving your credentials.)