Letter-writing campaign on behalf of Bedouin rights

Recognition Forum
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
The Association of Forty
You are in a village whose houses have been demolished many times, and see the people seeking shelter for themselves, and there is nothing you can do about it. You think of the State which, apart from repeatedly demolishing their humble houses, doesn`t do a single thing for these people. You visit another village and see the same state there. You visit yet another village, where all houses have recently received demolition orders from the State. In their despair, the residents of these villages cling to anyone willing to help, but these people are desperately few.
Through political legislation, the State of Israel has made the lives of the Bedouins in the Negev a true hell. It created a reality in which the conflict between law and morals is unbearable. The State refers to its citizens, the Bedouins, as to human herds that can be transferred at will. And who are they to object? And all this since for their misfortune, they were born Bedouins in the State of the Jews. In Israel, the worse racism is practiced by the government.
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