APJP hold a protest outside Leviev, in Bond Street, London

"Twenty-five demonstrators from Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine, together with support from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the Wall and Jews for Justice for Palestinians held a Valentine's Day protest outside Leviev, the jewellery shop in normally sedate Old Bond Street London on Saturday afternoon 9 Feb, holding impressive placards, and leafleting to curious passers by, who wished to know more about why we were there.
The posters highlighted Leviev's illegal settlement construction in Bil'in and Jayous, backed by the violence of uprooting olive trees and armed soldiers against Palestinian farmers.
We sang chants borrowed from Adalah New York like "You're Glitz, You're Glam, You're stealing Palestinian land" and "Buy from Lev for Valentine and help erase more Palestine."
This protest was co-ordinated with Adalah New York who were also demonstrating outside Leviev's shop there.
A clear signal was sent to Leviev, to inform passers-by about Leviev's activities behind the glitzy façade of his shop, in this exclusive section of Bond Street."
You can see the demo on this youtube link by Frank Barat who was at the demo.
Abe HayeemAPJP, London

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