Campaign to stop the Museum of Tolerance

A Museum of Tolerance built on top of a Muslim Cemetery in Jerusalem?
Hard to Believe?
It must be stopped!!!!
Join the Campaign - called by IPCRI Israel/Palestine Centre for Research & Information and APJP
Sign APJP's letter
October 29, 2008
Can you even imagine the possibility of the State of Israel and the Jerusalem municipality building a Museum of Tolerance on the site of a Muslim Cemetery in the heart of Jerusalem? Well it is happening. We tried to fight it in court but we lost. Imagine what would happen if someone in Europe - in Germany or Austria for instance, tried to build a Museum of Tolerance on top of Jewish graves.
The legal battle has been lost, now we must move on to the political battle. We must prevent this museum from being built on that site. Jerusalem will never be a city of peace if this is allowed to move forward.
Jerusalem is the one city in the world where there is a real potential to demonstrate that Jews, Christians and Muslims can live together in peace, understanding and real tolerance. Jerusalem is the place where we can learn to celebrate the diversities of our civilizations. If the construction of this museum is allowed to resume on top of a Muslim cemetery of religious and historical importance in the center of Jerusalem, this Holy city, will never realize its potential.
For the peace of Jerusalem, for the chance of peace, understanding and tolerance between Jews, Muslims and Christians we must stop this dangerous act.
We call on the Government of Israel and the Municipality of Jerusalem to stop the construction of the Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance in name of public safety and in protection of the reputation of the State of Israel and the safety of Jews all around the world.
We call on Jerusalemites, Israelis and Palestinians to join our campaign.
We call on the candidates for Mayor of Jerusalem and for the Jerusalem City Council to speak out during the remaining days of the campaign – promise us that you won't let this Museum be built in the Mamilla Cemetery.
We call on the Chief Rabbis of Israel not to let this shame on Judaism take place. In the name of Judaism, do not allow this Museum to built on top of Muslim graves.
We call on Israelis and Palestinians alike to send letters to your Presidents, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers urging them to stop the construction of the Museum in that location.
We call on Jews all over to write to the Wiesenthal Center Director Rabbi Hier urging him to change the location of the Museum. We urge Jews everywhere to write to the Government of Israel voice your objection to building a Museum of Tolerance on top of Muslim graves.
We call on Rabbis around the world to join the campaign. We are looking for several Rabbis who will coordinate organizing a Rabbis letter against the building of the Museum over Muslim graves.
We call on citizens of the world to join the campaign – raise your voices, - write to your own governments urging them to pressure the Israeli government to cease the construction of the Museum in that location.
Useful addresses and contacts:
President Marvin Hier, Dean, Wiesenthal Center
Fax: ++1-310-553-4521
email: <>
President Shimon Peres
Fax: ++972-2-567-1314
email: <>
Prime Minister Olmert
Fax: +972-2-670-5475
email: <>
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni
Fax: ++972-2-530-3367
email: <>
Mayor of Jerusalem
Fax: ++972-2-629-6014
email: <>
Sfardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar
Fax: ++972-2-537-1305
email: <מאתר%20האנטרנט>
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi
Fax: ++972-2-537-7872
email: <מאתר%20האנטרנט>
President Mahmoud Abbas
Fax: ++972-2-240-9648
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad
Fax: ++972-2- 295-0970
Foreign Minister Riad Malki
Fax: ++970-2-240-3372 or ++972-2-240-3372
email: <>
The following is some factual information about the issue:
The Israeli High Court of Justice has ruled that the building of the Museum is legal and the construction can continue. In February 2006 the High Court issued an injunction for freezing the construction. Since that time the Court has been considering the evidence presented for and against building the Museum. The decision of the Court places the burden on the Muslim Authorities to accept the "offers" made to them by the Wiesenthal Center to move the graves that will be affected by the building the Museum. The Muslim Authorities rejected all of the offers and claimed that the sanctity of the whole cemetery must be respected. In the initial groundbreaking and first construction some 300 skeletons were dug up and "boxed" by the Israeli Antiquities Authorities.
Furthermore, the Court rejected the claims by some experts (supported by IPCRI and others against the building of the Museum) and in favor of other experts brought by the Wiesenthal Center, that the construction of the Museum would not lead to a disruption of public order and that the Arab and Muslim world would accept the construction of the Museum as they had accepted the construction of the parking lot over part of the Museum in the mid 1960's.

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