Wadi el Naam, Negev mosque to be demolished

The Continuing Story of the Eco-Mosque of Wadi Na’am
As many know, the mosque, located in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Wadi Na’am, built along ecological principles, mostly of straw bale and mud, first received a potential demolition order in August, and then a demolition action order last week. BUSTAN and the RCUV were able to mobilize, at very short notice, a significant number of Jewish and Arab Israeli activists as well as international volunteers to spend several nights and days at the mosque to provide it some measure of protection. On Thursday morning, policemen appeared, signaling the beginning of the demolition process.
We will never know exactly why, but the demolition did not proceed. Whether it was the many letters and faxes that were sent to the authorities, the presence of the activists, or the presence of the press, the demolition did not go through!
This is a victory, and an indication that if we continue to organize and bring attention to this practice that it becomes harder to carry it out. It also buys Mahmoud Jarbeau, the builder of the mosque, more time to pursue legal options to save it.
This does not mean that we have won, however. There is a high probability that the Israeli government will return next week, probably in the very early morning hours with no notice, and carry out the demolition at a time when there are not witnesses to document and protest.
What you can do:
--if you can volunteer to spend nights in the mosque in the next week, please email greencenter@bustan.org .
--please continue to send letters and faxes of protest to the authorities!
Itzhak HaKohen, the Minister of Religious Service
Fax: 02 6706157. izchakec@knesset.gov.il
Meir Shitrit, the Minister of Interior
Fax: 02 6408920. mshitrit@knesset.gov.il
Zeev Boim, the Minster of Housing and Construction, and Minister responsible for the Israeli Land Authority, and the Bedouin Minority.
Fax: 02-6496062. zaevb@knesset.gov.il
Mahmoud negotiates with police as activists stand in solidarity at the mosque
Here are two good sample paragraphs to use in your letters:
I write to express my strong concern at the news of the proposed destruction of the Mosque in the village of Wadi el Na'am. If Israel is to live up to its promised potential as a bastion of human rights and tolerance in a world of persecution and greed, it must commit to true democracy. In a democracy, citizens are engaged in decisions about the use of the land on which they live. With no such process in place for the people of Wadi el Na'am, I adamantly oppose the demolition of this Mosque. As stewards of the public interest, I trust you will take all necessary action to ensure that Wadi el Na'am residents are given the rights and respect inherent in their Israeli citizenship.
For press inquiries:
Mahmoud Jarbeau at 057-466-2331 (Hebrew, Arabic) —resident of Wadi Na’am, served nine years in the Israeli military, director of the project
Ra’ed Al Mickawi 052-371-1801 (Hebrew, Arabic, English)—Director of BUSTAN
Dr. Yeela Livnat Ra’anan 054-748-7005 (English, Hebrew)—RCUV

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